Camp Overview
Tait - Consul - Griffith Football Officiating Camp is a 3-day clinic held at Southern Utah University designed to improve your skills as a football official.
You will work scrimmages in crews of 7, while receiving valuable feedback from Division I & Division II officials.
​This camp is held in conjunction with the Southern Utah University High School Football Camp.
Classroom sessions will be used to discuss mechanics, philosophy and rules applications for all levels of officiating.
Mike and Jan Burton TCG Scholarship
2024 Recipient Announced - Deandre Oliver, Salem, Oregon.
Mike and Jan Burton will fund a scholarship for one young and deserving football official from Washington, Oregon or Idaho to the Tait-Consul-Griffith Football Officials Camp in Cedar City, UT. The scholarship will include camp registration, travel costs, and a stipend for extra expenses up to $1,600 with a $100 increase added each year.
Frequently Asked Questions
Where is the location of the camp?
Cedar City, UT @ Southern Utah University.
What’s the cost of camp?
When will payments be accepted?
November 1st, 2025
Is housing included this year?
No, camp will no longer include housing. Camper rate available with partner hotels.
How do I get to Cedar City, UT?
Most campers fly to Las Vegas, NV and drive 2.5 hours.
Flights into St. George, UT. St. George is 40 minutes for Cedar City.
Flights into Cedar City, UT might be an option. 10 minutes from Southern Utah University.
When should I arrive in Cedar City, UT?
Monday, June 23rd after 12:00pm.
Opening session is Tuesday, June 24th @ 8:00am.
Closing session is Thursday, June 26th @ 11:00am.
Utah is in the mountain standard time zone.